Examines the processes of human interaction. Interpersonal communication occurs in many contexts (e.g., among coworkers, between friends, within families). It can happen in face-to-face interactions or interactions mediated through communication technologies.
CMN 213 Small Group Communication | CMN 230 Intro to Interpersonal Comm | CMN 232 Intro to Intercultural Comm |
CMN 260 Intro to Health Communication | CMN 321 Strategies of Persuasion | CMN 323 Argumentation |
CMN 336 Family Communication | CMN 338 Relationships and Technology | CMN 357 Intro to Conversation Analysis |
CMN 368 Sexual Communication | CMN 413 Adv Small Group Communication | CMN 421 Persuasion Theory and Research |
CMN 432 Gender Communication | CMN 435 Building Interpersonal Skills | CMN 437 Comm in Personal Relationships |
CMN 462 Interpersonal Health Comm |