The Health Communication Online Master's (HCOM) Program and the Department of Communication are pleased to announce that Professor Gary L. Kreps of George Mason University will deliver this year's Dale Brashers Memorial Lecture. Sponsored by the HCOM program, the Dale Brashers Memorial Lecture honors Professor Brashers, who was the HCOM program's beloved founder, former head of the Department of Communication, and a revolutionary leader in health communication research. The lecture series features award-winning health communication scholars sharing their innovative research.
This year's lecturer, Professor Kreps, is University Distinguished Professor in the Department of Communication and Director of the Center for Health and Risk Communication at George Mason University, where he teaches courses on Health Communication, Risk Communication, Interpersonal Communication, Organizational Communication, Consumer-Provider Health Communication, Health Communication Campaigns, and E-Health Communication.
Kreps's award-winning research examines the influences of strategic evidence-based communication programs and practices on reducing health risks and enhancing health outcomes, with a focus on promoting health equity in society. His work has been funded by by many federal agencies, foundations, and organizations, and he has served as an advisor to a number of national and international agencies, including the FDA, NIH, and CDC.
For more information about the Dale Brashers Memorial Lecture, contact (224) 484-0425 or hcom@illinois.edu.
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Time: Mar 25, 2022 03:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
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