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Sara Babu

Profile picture for Sara Babu

Contact Information

3001 Lincoln Hall, MC-456
702 South Wright Street
Urbana IL 61801
PhD Candidate


I study how people communicate about their health in interpersonal relationships. I am centrally interested in who is or can be read as a “credible” patient. I also explore how various cultural systems, from families to medical institutions enable or constrain communicative labor to be recognized, believed, and taken seriously. From a critical perspective, I consider how we might leverage communication to address raced, classed, and gendered disparities in health care.

Research Interests

Health Communication, Qualitative Methods, Identity, d/Discourse, Health Disparities


M.A., Communication, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

B.A., Communication, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Courses Taught

Instructor of Record

  • CMN 101: Public Speaking
  • CMN 260: Introduction to Health Communication
  • CMN 336: Family Communication

Faculty Extender

  • CMN 507: The Future of Work in Health Communication
  • CMN 595: Communication and Health Disparities

Highlighted Publications

Babu, S., Koven, M., Thompson, C. M., & Makos, S. (2024). (Re)making scales: Communicative enfranchisement in women’s narrative discourses about health dismissal. Health Communication, Advance online publication.

Thompson, C. M., Babu, S., & Makos, S. (2023). A grounded theory of credibility work and illness: Explication and application to the case of women on trial in health care. Communication Research, Advance online publication.

Recent Publications

Thompson, C. M., Voorhees, H., Taniguchi, E., Makos, S., Pool, K., & Babu, S. (2024). Development and assessment of an emotional support intervention for social network members in the context of chronic illness. Health Communication.

Thompson, C. M., Babu, S., Gerlikovski, E. R., McGuire, M., Makos, S., Ranallo, A., & Robieson, I. (2023). Living with long COVID: A longitudinal interview study of individuals’ communicative resilience over the “long haul.” Health Communication, Advance online publication.