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Jia Yan

Profile picture for Jia Yan

Contact Information

4070/4071 Lincoln Hall, MC-456
702 South Wright Street
Urbana IL 61801

Office Hours

Fall 2024: Tuesdays 12:30-1:30PM and by appointment
PhD Candidate
Graduate Teaching Assistant


Jia is a PhD student in the Department of Communication at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Her research focuses on how communication in interpersonal relationships facilitates mental and physical well-being. A key area of her work explores support-seeking communication in health-related contexts, particularly where identity threats linked to health conditions are present.

Research Interests

Interpersonal Communication, Health Communication, Supportive Communication, Quantitative Methods


B.A., Communication and Psychology, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

M.A., Communication, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Awards and Honors

Marion Morse Wood Fellowship (2024-2025)

Courses Taught

CMN101: Public Speaking

CMN102: Introduction to Communication

CMN230: Introduction to Interpersonal Communication

CMN336: Family Communication

Recent Publications

Thompson, C. M., Bishop, M. J., Dillard, T. C., Maurice, J. M., Rollins, D. D., Pulido, M. D., Salas, M. J., Mendelson, E. A., Yan, J., Gerlikovski, E. R., Benevento, S. V., Zeinstra, C., & Kesavadas, T. (2024). Healing health care disparities: A pilot test of a virtual reality implicit bias training module for physicians in the context of Black maternal health. Health Communication

Liao, D., Yan, J., & Wilson, S. R. (2023). How does physician (non)accommodation affect patient behavioral intention? Using a web-based experiment to examine indirect effects of language type on behavioral intention through goal inferences and source appraisals. Journal of Health Communication, 28(9), 585–594.