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Jia Yan

Profile picture for Jia Yan

Contact Information

3001 Lincoln Hall, MC-456
702 South Wright Street
Urbana IL 61801

Office Hours

Summer 2024: by appointment
Graduate Student
Teaching Assistant


Jia is a PhD student in the Department of Communication at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Her research focuses on how communication in interpersonal relationships facilitates mental and physical well-being. A key area of her work explores support-seeking  communication in health-related contexts, particularly where identity threats linked to health conditions are present. 


Research Interests

Interpersonal Communication, Health Communication, Supportive Communication, Quantitative Methods


B.A., Communication and Psychology, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

M.A., Communication, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Courses Taught

CMN101: Public Speaking

CMN102: Introduction to Communication

CMN230: Introduction to Interpersonal Communication

Recent Publications

Liao, D., Yan, J., & Wilson, S. R. (2023). How does physician (non)accommodation affect patient behavioral intention? Using a web-based experiment to examine indirect effects of language type on behavioral intention through goal inferences and source appraisals. Journal of Health Communication, 28(9), 585–594.