Contact Information
Elisabeth Bigsby studies persuasive health and environmental messages, such as anti-smoking campaigns, with a particular interest in how message features influence how people perceive and process those messages. Dr. Bigsby's overall goal is to understand why messages succeed or fail, and thus contribute to best practices in designing persuasive messages.
Prior to UIUC, Dr. Bigsby held positions at Northeastern University in Boston and the Center of Excellence in Cancer Communication Research at the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania. Before completing her graduate studies, Dr. Bigsby spent three years working in the not-for-profit sector, including one year as an AmeriCorps volunteer.
Research Interests
Health Communication
Message Effects
Information Acquisition
Ph.D., Communication, University of Georgia
M.A., Health Communication, Michigan State University
B.A., Communication, Michigan State University
Awards and Honors
Illinois Foundations Fellow, Fall 2020
Courses Taught
CMN 345: Visual Media Effects
CMN 421: Persuasion Theory & Research
CMN 529: Message Design & Effects
CMN 529: Meta-Analysis in Communication
CMN 595: eHealth (HCOM)
Additional Campus Affiliations
Associate Professor, Communication
External Links
Recent Publications
Hovick, S. R., Rhodes, N., Bigsby, E., Thomas, S., & Freiberger, N. (2023). Exploring direct and indirect predictors of heart disease information seeking. Journal of Communication in Healthcare, 16(1), 21-29.
Bigsby, E., & Morrow, E. (2022). Health Messaging During a Pandemic: How Information Type and Individual Factors Influence Responses to COVID-19 Messages. American Behavioral Scientist. Advance online publication.
Bigsby, E., Hovick, S. R., Tan, N. Q. P., Thomas, S. N., & Wilson, S. R. (2022). Information Seeking and Risk Reduction Intentions in Response to Environmental Threat Messages: The Role of Message Processing. Risk Analysis, 42(10), 2160-2175.
Bigsby, E., & Albarracín, D. (2022). Self- and Response Efficacy Information in Fear Appeals: A Meta-Analysis. Journal of Communication, 72(2), 241-263.
Hovick, S. R., Bigsby, E., Wilson, S. R., & Thomas, S. (2021). Information Seeking Behaviors and Intentions in Response to Environmental Health Risk Messages: A Test of A Reduced Risk Information Seeking Model. Health communication, 36(14), 1889-1897.