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Charee M. Thompson

Profile picture for Charee M. Thompson

Contact Information

4002 Lincoln Hall
702 South Wright St
M/C 456
Urbana, IL 61801
Associate Professor

Research Interests

  • interpersonal and health communication
  • patient-provider communication
  • uncertainty, stigma, contested illness, illness work

Research Description

I study heath communication in interpersonal and patient-provider contexts, focusing on the role communication plays in how people navigate the uncertainties associated with conditions that are chronic, non-visible, not well understood, underfunded, and associated with stigma. My first line of research theorizes about uncertainty in relationships, often from the perspective of social network members and including those living with chronic illness. My second research area involves the development, delivery, and assessment of theoretically grounded communication trainings for social network members and health care providers to overcome the support and care challenges associated with uncertainty.


University of Texas at Austin, Communication, Ph.D.
Arizona State University, Communication, B.A., M.A.

Courses Taught

CMN 462: Interpersonal Health Communication

Additional Campus Affiliations

Associate Professor, Communication
Associate Professor, Biomedical and Translational Sciences

Recent Publications

Makos, S., & Thompson, C. M. (2025). Core and Catalyst Criteria Motivating CrossFit Athletes to Reveal or Conceal Their Non-Visible Health Conditions. Communication and Sport, 13(1), 190-209.

Adamson, B., Thompson, C. M., Makos, S., Pool, K., Liechty, T., Chiu, C. Y., Woo, M., & Rice, L. (2024). What happens post-pilot testing? A model for revising a disability awareness and competency training program. Disability and Health Journal, 17(3), Article 101612.

Babu, S., Koven, M., Thompson, C. M., & Makos, S. (Accepted/In press). (Re)making Scales: Communicative enfranchisement in Women’s Narrative Discourses About Health Dismissal. Health communication.

Kerr, A. M., Thompson, C. M., Stewart, C. A., & Rakowsky, A. (2024). Residents' Communication With Attendings About Uncertainty: A Single-Site Longitudinal Survey. Hospital pediatrics, 14(10), 852-859.

Moein, S., Peterson, E. W., Kottorp, A., Thompson, C., Mahajan, H. P., & Rice, L. A. (Accepted/In press). Development, reliability, and validity assessment of a fall concerns scale for people who use wheelchairs and scooters (FCS-WC/S). Disability and Rehabilitation.

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